First priority response services understand the importance of gatehouse security at industrial areas, as it is gateway access control for the premises that need to be manned with a guard to act as a visual crime deterrence. We offer highly-skilled, experienced, and trained security officers for your premises that ensure all site operations carry out with the client’s code of practice. Our security officers perform various job duties and also have the ability to provide exceptional customer service but being professional and having courteous approaching at the same time. All mention services will be tailor accordingly to clients needs and below are some obligation

  • All security officers are well presentable with good communication skills.
  • All security officers are Physically fit and strong enough for job duties
  • Providing efficient access control to staff and contractors
  • After confirming the issue accesses pass to authorized staff, visitor, and contractor.
  • Monitoring premises through CCTV
  • Identifying and maintaining records of delivery vehicles in and out process.
  • Reporting any incident to occur during the shift.
  • Perform perimeter checks promptly.
  • Perform vehicle and personal checks

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